Shamless Russians stealing my reskins !!!

Check this out
and the next three pages, all from the the DoA packs posted here. On the next 20 pages you'll see about 60 more skins stolen from ME!

This KinOman cunt gives credit to the riggers, as maybe he should, but Ken doesn't do nude skins, neither does Diego. Do you think they want their names pasted all over my nasty tendencies? I doubt it!

Damn, these Russians have no shame, no pride, just like filthy gangsters.
GTALIBERTYCITY is another one. Russians! What is wrong with these people?

So now KINOman is up to about 250 taken skins (mine alone). And since taking his own promotion photos is such a chore he's using mine from here. Maybe the models aren't my property but the photos are. This pisses me off. Gtaall is a website earning 66 usd per day and has a 20,00usd valuation and the whole site is built on stolen skins, bikes, peds from this site. Talk about leaching! Blood-sucking shameless pieces of dung.

Here's my complaint:  Lift my reskins, build a website from these mods, steal the photos too.  Kioman has built a website from taking mods from lots of sites.  Do you think he ever asked permission? There are a little under 200 of my reskins alone on gtaall..

I know the skins aren't mine and they're not the rigger's either.  I always give credit to the rigger just the same, .. check  it out.  See, his/her name comes first.  So the skins aren't mine and they;re not the riggers either, but the photos are mine.  You want to lift the skins, good, take your own fucking photos!  There is lots of my work as well on  They never gave me nor the rigger credit.  The uploader took full credit.

Most importantly:  My name should appear on the lifted reskins posted to gtaall or anywhere else.  Example, Ken doesn't do nude and partially dressed girls.  There has to be a reason for that.  We should respect his wishes.  So you have some fat-ass bitch with long nipples and an enhanced beaver with Ken's name on it.  Maybe Ken doesn't want to be associated with nudity.  But now he is.  If an additional name appears in the skin's credit it's easy to see the model was manipulated.   That's my gripe.  This KiNOman whore has the social conciseness of a street dog.  And, KINOman (and 10 other nics) wants you to think my work is all about some motive, like money.  Who here thinks I'm getting paid for uploading these skins?   more like free advertising for the riggers and game producers/developers.  After all these reskins of mine have reached millions of punters.